Felicidades Colombia – law to restrict cosmetics animal testing reaches final stage
Colombia joins Guatemala in drive for a cruelty free Latin America

On June 12, a bill to restrict the testing of cosmetics on animals and the sale and import of animal-tested cosmetics passed its final vote in the Colombian Senate. Bill 120/2018 will enter into force in four years’ time and will restrict reliance on animal testing for ingredients in cosmetics.
The bill had previously passed successfully through the country’s House of Representatives. It will now enter a conciliation process between the two houses of Congress before being sent to the President who will sign it into law.
The bill also includes a commitment to incentives to strengthen the capacity of laboratories and research institutes in Colombia to develop and apply non-animal testing methods.
Our Director of Public Affairs, Kerry Postlewhite, said: “Congratulations to all the decision-makers involved in supporting the bill and to animal protection campaigners in Colombia for all their work. A big shout-out especially to Congress member Juan Carlos Losada who spearheaded the bill right from the start. Each time a country takes a step towards ending cosmetics animal testing, we come closer to eradicating this globally. Consumers around the world are united in their desire for cruelty free cosmetics.”
In 2017, Guatemala became the first country in Latin America to take legislative action to end the suffering of animals in cruel cosmetics testing.